Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How to delete a blog post that there are two

How to delete a blog post that there are two -
Yesterday I was in are confused by the two blog posts on blogger layout view, when it should be the only one. Impact than it is not able to edit the template .. although sometimes it can be. Time also was confused why not edit the template can save .. and always display an error message with code   |

Once I finally investigate the layout of the blog posts there are two visible and can not be removed. After know there is a defect with the layout view sayapun find a solution by googling on the internet and thank God now it has been resolved.
Here's How to delete a blog post that there are two.

     Now although it is not changed to the old blogger was able to display. Because now there is no option to switch to the old look.
     Go to edit html design >>>
     Do not check expand the current template for the code below.
     Look for the following code <b:widget id='Blog2' locked='false' title='Posting Blog' type='Blog'/>
     When you have found delete the line and save it.

Templates save time when they appear "Warning your new template does not contain the widget below .." just click delete widgets.

That means clear that there are two blog posts.
Thank you for visiting this blog.
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