Saturday, February 9, 2013

World's Smallest Frog, size is only 7.7 mm

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World's Smallest Frog, size is only 7.7 mm | This frog discovered in Papua New Guinea by researchers from Louisiana State University (LSU), Chris Austin. |Animals with backbones (vertebrates), the smallest in the world has a size of about 7.7 new milimeter.Spesies beat Paedocypris progenetica, fish species from Indonesia that are larger than eight milimeter.Austin who led a team of researchers from the United States along with LSU graduate student, Eric Rittmeyer, found the species in the three-month expedition in Papua Nugini.Spesies second, Paedophryne swiftorum, sized slightly larger than the body size Paedophryne amauensis with an average of 8.5 millimeters.
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