Sunday, February 3, 2013

At each targeted Disaster

At each targeted Disaster |

Say: "Who can protect you from Allah if He willed disaster upon you or to give you Mercy?"

QS. Al-Ahzab (33): 17Actually, the planet Earth is a disaster-prone. But that's the way, every celestial bodies have more or less the same conditions. Always targeted by the disaster. Only, specifically the Earth, God gives extra protection, so it can be inhabited by living things. Including humans.Earth is a special planet's most bizarre among the nine other planets in this solar system. None of the members of the solar system celestial bodies that could be occupied by living beings, because they do not meet the prerequisites for it. And especially because it is always threatened disaster that destroys lives.Mercury, the closest planet to the sun, obviously uninhabitable due to the extreme temperature of the planet's surface. Thus the slow rotation of Mercury's rotation, so there is a part that burns for too long to the sun, while the other part frozen for too long to the sun. With the extreme temperatures, no living thing can stand to be on the surface.Venus as the planet into two, has a temperature that 'pretty'. However, it still can not be inhabited by living things. Temperature reaches 450 degrees celsius. Enough to melt lead metal. This is the 'planet grills' giant. Its atmosphere has a very large and heavy pressure. About the same as if we were in the depth of 1,000 meters below sea level.Even more terrible, its atmosphere contains sulfuric acid - H2SO4 - very large with thousands of meters thick. So that the surface of the planet is always washed by acid rain. There can be no life on this planet.More distant planet is Mars. This is the 4th planet after Earth. First, many scientists hope will meet life on this planet. But after the U.S. landed the plane without a crew to Mars, proved to be no life there.How could there be life, because it turns out Mars does not have the prerequisites for the emergence of life. There was no water. There was no sufficient oxygen content. Its atmosphere is filled with poison gas CO2 in very high levels.Sand storm going for months without stopping. Its surface is full of craters hundreds of meters wide, very deep and dangerous.5th planet is Jupiter. This is the largest planet in our solar system. A gas planet with no land. Yes, there is no land there. Everything is a gas with very cold temperatures. And wind storm that lasted for hundreds of years. The planet is about 318 times the size of Earth.6th Planet is Saturn. The shape is very distinctive with a ring contains gas, rock and ice, which rotates around the planet. The planet is also composed of gas with a composition of 75% hydrogen and 25% helium. Lower density than water. Of course there would be no life on the planet to the 5 & 6.Uranus is the 7th planet. It was the planet which consists of chunks of rock and ice. Its atmosphere is composed of a deadly poisonous gas methane, mixed with Hydrogen and Helium. This planet has the time around the sun very long. If Earth takes a year to orbit the sun, then Uranus takes 84 years to once around the sun.To 8 and 9 planets are Neptune and Pluto. Both are dead ice. The temperature in Neptune minus 218 degrees Celsius range. While Pluto is about minus 328 degrees Celsius. On the surface of Neptune frequent storms with high speed up to 2000 miles per hour. Its atmosphere is also filled with Hydrogen, Helium and Methane very high.While the planets to 10, also an iceberg dead behind Pluto. The planet is still studied by astronomers existence.Earth, the third planet in the solar system, it has a tremendous privilege. That qualifies for uninhabitable. The whole condition is very unique and 'odd', because it has a mechanism to control each other in perfect balance.Its atmosphere is composed perfectly with a thickness of 1000 km, bersaf-saf protect its inhabitants from various threats from outer space. Also perfect composition, containing nitrogen gas that is not easy to react, by 78%. Meanwhile, the oxygen stabilized at around 21%. While toxic gases such as CO2, CO, and others, the total amounted to only 1%.Even more amazing is the water circulation. This planet has an amazing balance of water circulation. No less than 400 billion tons of water had automated circulation and purification throughout the year.Rain water, really just happen on planet earth. Heating mechanism due to rain water on the Earth's surface by the sun's rays into a water supply mechanism which is absolutely perfect. I wonder what would happen if the Earth there is no mechanism in the rain. Surely there is no clean water in sufficient levels to meet the needs of the quality of human life.All water collected at the ocean with a high salt content. There was no fresh water, because of all the water on the mainland will flow into the sea. So, people will have a big problem, because the difficulty of clean fresh water.Not only water and air, the planet Earth filled with all sorts of food. Uniquely the food reserves available automatically through a mechanism referred to as the perfect 'food chain'.Water, air, sunlight, plants, and animals, working together to build a mutually beneficial mechanism that is always 'created' food. In the form of fruits, vegetables, all kinds of marine animals, livestock, poultry, and so forth. All that sprung eternal in the mechanism. Relentless, over millions of years.If we continue to look at, then we will find all the Earth's condition is 'weird'. As with the other planets, the Earth actually save tremendous potential enormity of the disaster. In addition to coming from the outside, such as space rocks, sunlight, electromagnetic waves from outer space, the Earth itself is no measure to save disaster.In the Earth itself there is the potential energy of such a large, in the form of magma as the core of the Earth. In addition there are toxic gases and high pressure in the stomach. Lennpeng or plate-tectonic earthquakes that store energy very large and dangerous.Sea waves, wind storms, lightning, floods, and such is also a potential disaster that could wreak any time-parandakan life on Earth. Not to mention chaotic climate, and breeding grounds for all kinds of malignant disease.Thus, the actual human life on the surface of planet Earth is a disaster prone. Especially when the balance mechanism has shifted away than they should. Disaster after another will hit all the beings in it, and afflict us all.
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