Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Download Game Castle Sinighami Ps2 Iso Free

Story: At the beginning of the story, a giant castle emerged from the city of Tokyo. At 40 km, castle-shaped vessel known as Nejireta fortress. Battle of mankind and the gods will start.

Gameplay: The game mechanism is generally taken from Shikigami No Shiro original, with the addition of more playable characters.

The game consists of five stages, each with two parts, with a boss at the end of each section. At the end of each stage, the dialogue between the player character (s) and the bosses are featured in cut scenes, a unique sequence of dialog is displayed for each different character or a combination of the two characters.

Each character has a main weapon, used by pressing or holding the shoot button, hold the button for longer than a few seconds, but will switch to the secondary weapon character "Shikigami". This tends to be more powerful, but limited in range or utilities, and also slows the movement of the character. Weapons each character is different, sometimes dramatically, in terms of patterns and power, in addition, each of Shikigami weapon available in one of two modes, selected at the start of every new game. Bombs are also available, and bomb each character function differently too.

The leveling up of weapons from the original game is the only mechanical eliminated in the sequel.


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