Friday, December 27, 2013

Google Sandbox- the secret that’s worth revealing?and You Should Know

Google Sandbox- the secret that’s worth revealing?and You Should Know  | New

It has been a huge debate around Google Sandbox since 2004. It’s existence or non-existence hasn’t been proved nor confirmed, but closer investigation shows that this still exists. Is that important at all?

What is Google Sandbox anyways? Many do claim that it is an application, tool or program that Google uses. Others say that it is an algorithm or filter to sort out certain pages. I have even encountered an opinion that Sandbox means that Google traces our IP-address to check where do we build links and share our articles or comments.
We don’t know for sure, but most likely they all are pretty far from truth.
We and many more people that deal with Online Marketing every day have come to a conclusion. Observing our new site’s behavior it appears that Google Sandbox can’t be any tool, program or algorithm. That’s because the behavior results are too diverse to be caused automatically.
Apparently, Google Sandbox is just a term, used to describe the behavior of freshly launched sites. Think of it as a time frame, rather than object. Basically it’s just a time for proving that a site is not spammy or built with black-hat techniques.
Interesting fact is, that this time frame also applies for many links. Have you tracked your link building progress and wondered that results doesn’t add up somehow? It seems to be less „link juice“ that you think you should have achieved?
It is actually pretty unsolved question, what and how much Google Sandbox effect affects sites and link building.

Importance of understanding Google Sandbox principle

I personally believe that knowledge about Google Sandbox hasn’t any direct use. However, if we admit it’s presence, we will be way less bothered worrying why our new site or latest links doesn’t show up in Google.
Rather than debating and trying to prove something about Sandbox, it’s better to accept that there exists a certain period that we should just wait to get full effect of backlinks or SEO in general.
So, it actually isn’t that important to twist your head with. The reason I brought that up is that too many myths and urban legends go around it.

What happens if You get to „Google Sandbox“

Despite the fact that Google Sandbox doesn’t exist per se, it still affects sites.
Most common sign of getting in Sandbox is, that you just lose some or even all rankings in Google. Bright side of it is, that you aren’t punished or penalized in any way. Google just checks you out in it’s way.
Best thing to do then is, just to keep building your site, driving as much direct traffic on it that you can and wait. Sandbox effect usually goes away within a month or so. Sometimes it can remain longer, but if you add new quality content to it, Sandbox doesn’t harm you.
But beware, Sandbox effect has often been misidentified with deindexing from Google!
If in doubt which one you have encountered- enter your site’s address in „“ to Google search. If your site shows up, you’re „in sandbox“. If not, you are deindexed from Google and this is more serious problem.
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