Advances in science and science has not been able to answer all the questions in the world, let alone the universe. A number of phenomena can not be explained logically. As the site loaded CNN, scientists until now have not been able to explain the mysterious phenomenon of six, including, how can Baiturrahim Mosque in Aceh survived the devastating tsunami in 2004, while in the surrounding ravaged hit by a wave.
Here are six unsolved phenomenon and is still a big question:
1. Stigmata Padre Pio
1. Stigmata Padre Pio
Some people believe the injuries he suffered were stigmata sign he touched Jesus' suffering on the cross. While, some others believe, he hurt himself.
Although embarrassed by the controversy, Padre Pio decided to continue his work, until he gained a reputation as a healer. He was ordained a Saint in 2002. Canonization ceremony at the Vatican, 300 thousand people willingly braved the weather and attended stinging in his honor. 2. The phenomenon of Hindu milk miracle
When the 2004 tsunami hit Banda Aceh, almost all the buildings around the mosque Baiturrahim average. High waves also swept the mosque. However, the 123-year-old minarets and dome remained firm. Muslims regard it as a miracle, that God's house was saved from the vicious tsunami wave.
4. How the origins of the universe

Later scientist Stephen Hawking issued a controversial theory, that God had nothing to do with the creation of the universe. He said, because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself. And, until now, none of us can be sure how the universe was created.
5. Is it true that aliens exist
Statement that, just conspiracy theorists who believe there is extraterrestrial (ET), is not entirely true. Thus the opinion of Frank Wilczek, Nobel laureate physicist at MIT.
Referring to the discovery of extrasolar planets, outside our solar system similar to Earth, he argues, "If you had to guess, I would say there are thousands, perhaps millions, probably billions of planets in the galaxy with some form of life, and perhaps hundreds or thousands that have intelligent creatures like Earth. "
6. How many species on Earth

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