1. Prepare a picture of the Sultan of money 10,000 Machmud Badarudin

Then fold the money from the next

Fold the bottom also forward

Then we turn 180 degrees the money that has been folded earlier. and behold!
Triangle formed on the results of earlier folds just like:

With the symbol and the circular shape writing muter-muter as forming "eyes" Illuminati as the American dollar:

Then if we are careful and continue to look at the picture on the edges of the image triangle "illuminati" that exist in our 10,000 money, we'll find a picture:

Images in the red circle is the sun god in mythology Satanist:

Is Currencies our beloved country Indonesia has been under the rule of Satanist Zionists ..?
Wallahu'alam ..

Then fold the money from the next

Fold the bottom also forward

Then we turn 180 degrees the money that has been folded earlier. and behold!

Triangle formed on the results of earlier folds just like:

With the symbol and the circular shape writing muter-muter as forming "eyes" Illuminati as the American dollar:

Then if we are careful and continue to look at the picture on the edges of the image triangle "illuminati" that exist in our 10,000 money, we'll find a picture:

Images in the red circle is the sun god in mythology Satanist:

Is Currencies our beloved country Indonesia has been under the rule of Satanist Zionists ..?
Wallahu'alam ..
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