Creating Your Own Icon Pendrive |
Sekarang pengguna flashdisk udah banyak banget.
Dibanding dulu masih 1 - 2 orang yang tau flashdisk itu apa..
seperti gw ini.. dulu sering bertanya-tanya flashdisk itu apa.. hhee..
Flash once borrowed a friend, autorun fitting, eh scar that is usually different from the same iconnya ..
After i got the flash itself, gw tau interested to find how to do can change the flash icon so rich ..
It turned out not hard to do.
1.First lo quite siapin
image format *. ico
The picture can make their own, or if lo blum lazy or can make an image format *. Ico ntu itself, you can download the picture IN HERE
Kalu had, Put Picture *. Ico you its in flash.
2. Open Notepad and Type like below.

writing nama_icon replace it with the name of your icon image.
Then, save it with the name autorun.inf, do not forget to save as, change to All Files. Save the file earlier in the flash lo, do not store them in a folder, along with the image icon save you.

Usually when friends borrow flash us again, like fiddle with,
Properties should change the icon image file autorun.inf lo and had to be hidden, and read-only, can not let anyone ngotak with.
if successful, it would later put it this way ... ^ __ ^

* Tutorial old tilt back ... ^ __ ^
And last ...
No additional or other opinion ..?
2. Open Notepad and Type like below.

writing nama_icon replace it with the name of your icon image.
Then, save it with the name autorun.inf, do not forget to save as, change to All Files. Save the file earlier in the flash lo, do not store them in a folder, along with the image icon save you.

Usually when friends borrow flash us again, like fiddle with,
Properties should change the icon image file autorun.inf lo and had to be hidden, and read-only, can not let anyone ngotak with.
if successful, it would later put it this way ... ^ __ ^

* Tutorial old tilt back ... ^ __ ^
And last ...
No additional or other opinion ..?
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